Baltimore: Poor People’s March & Caravan, June 17-18

JUNE 17 – JUNE 18
Baltimore Poor Peoples Campaign March & Caravan
100 Holliday Street, Baltimore, MD 21202

Join the Baltimore Poor People’s Campaign Unity March & Caravan to D.C.

Friday, June 17th, we will March and Caravan from Baltimore City to Washington D.C. to highlight our local and national grievances and demands.

The National Welfare Rights Organization will be holding a national conference in Baltimore from June 15 to 16th and the caravan will be the culmination of the conference.

This March and Caravan will leave Baltimore City Hall, 100 Holliday Streets at 10 am Saturday, June 17 and will arrive on Saturday, June 18th for the national Poor People’s Campaign Low Wage Workers Assembly Gathering in D.C. No one is expected to walk the entire 41 miles, we will have plenty of transportation for those who are unable to walk distances.

Reverend Chambers will be speaking on Saturday at the D.C. gathering.

Your energy and voice are needed!

It is critical that we make our demands heard loud and clear.

  • Food is a Right! Roll back food, gas & utility prices – Increase food stamps & lower the income criteria to include more Marylanders and seniors.
  • Jobs, or income now – Maryland pay unemployed workers their benefits now. Living wage and union rights for all workers
  • Roll back predatory rent increases – Rent control now – No evictions – Stop privatization of public housing – affordable housing for all
  • Expand and protect voter rights – No to racism, sexism & bigotry – End police terror – Immigrant & Indigenous rights – Human rights for all prisoners.
  • Fund education, healthcare & housing, Not war! Feed the people, not the Pentagon.

Please endorse the event and consider joining a focus group: youth & students; unions & workers; community outreach; food is a right; logistics and fundraising.

There are a million ways your organization can be helpful. Build a contingent of your group or issue in the March, help with food and transportation, greet us on the day of the March along the route. We will be taking the historic civil rights March route on Rt 1.

If you are interested there will be an orientation zoom meeting Saturday, April 16, 11 am to 12 noon. We will send out information to those interested in attending.
Yours in struggle,

Rev Chambers, National Co-Chair Welfare Rights Organization; Rev. CD Witherspoon; Sharon Black, Peoples Power Assembly; Dr. Marvin ‘Doc’ Cheatham, Seniors United, Matthew Henson Neighborhood Association; Attorney Alec Summerfield, Unemployed Workers Union; Ellie McCraw, Youth Against War & Racism; Rasika Ruwanpathirana, Md Amazon Workers Union

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