Hosted by Youth Against War and Racism
Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
Fayette and President Street, Baltimore (near I-83)
U.S. out of Iraq & the Middle East! No war/ No sanctions on Iran!
Money for jobs, health care & education!
No Pentagon war for big oil profits
National Coordinated Day of Protests
Baltimore, Saturday, Jan 4, 12 noon to 1 pm
@ Fayette and President Streets
Donald Trump and the Pentagon have ordered 750 more U.S. troops to be sent to the Middle East and possibly 3,000 more on top of the 5,200 U.S. troops already stationed in Iraq. This followed major protests by the Iraqi people in response to the Pentagon aerial assault that killed scores of innocent people.
The new air assaults ignited nationwide resistance by the Iraqi people who want to reclaim their full sovereignty and do not want Iraq to be used in a U.S. war on Iran.
Whose war? Big Oil & Fracking Companies
More than a million Iraqi people have died during the past 28 years as a result of the U.S. occupation, bombings and sanctions. Tens of thousands of GI’s have also been killed or badly wounded. Why? To control the flow of oil and guarantee profits for the trillion dollar oil and fracking corporations!
Meanwhile, workers at home are facing major cuts to food stamps and disability benefits. In April of this year, 700,000 people will be dropped from SNAP benefits and millions will get fewer benefits. Cuts. In Baltimore city, 22.2% of people already go to bed hungry.
In rural areas, that have suffered from low wages and no wages — the loss of food stamps will mean that many small grocery stores will have to close their doors.
But not the Pentagon! This year they got a $130 billion increase.
Shut down the Pentagon and the 800+ overseas military bases
We are weeks from celebrating the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It was Dr. King who proclaimed that the bombs dropped on Vietnam, are like bombs dropped on cities at home.
If we are to declare war let it be on racism, police terror, anti-immigrant bigotry and violence or on low wages and poverty. The best people’s defense is to shut down the Pentagon!
Statement issued by: Peoples Power Assembly Youth Against War and Racism Struggle – La Lucha for Socialism
Don’t be silent this coming year. Join us in the struggle. Contact us: Call or text 410-218-4835
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