Today, thousands of Havana residents marched along the Malecon of the Cuban capital to denounce the war crimes of the Zionist state of Israel against the people of Palestine in the Gaza Strip.
“It is heard, it is felt, the Palestinian people in Cuba is present”;
“Alert, alert, alert that walks, the voice of Palestine in Latin America”;
“The people united will never be defeated. Long live the Palestinian cause. “
These were the chants that were repeated in the crowded march called by the Union of Young Communists (UJC), which in a determined way moved from G and Malecón, passing by the U.S. Embassy and concluded in La Piragua with a Tribune in solidarity with the victims of the Israeli genocide in Palestine. The UJC entitled the event as the March for Life and Peace in Palestine.
Presiding the front of the militant crowd were Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, and Manuel Marrero Cruz, prime minister of the island.
“ We have come this far because in the face of fascism, murder and genocide against the Palestinian people because we cannot stay on the sidelines,” said the first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the UJC in Havana, Raul Alejandro Palmero.
“This massacre did not begin last month, as the Western media have tried to sell. It has cost more than 120 thousand lives and the appropriation of more than 78 percent of the Palestinian territory in the last 75 years.
“This is not an armed conflict. It is the largest and longest continuous genocide in history, -continued the young communist.
“Habaneros and habaneras, the Union of Young Communists has called for this popular march because the images of shattered children bombed women, and destroyed hospitals have immensely permeated the Cuban sensibility.
“Once again, the city is hosting a demonstration for truth and justice, demanding peace. Here are the students, the workers, the scientists, sportsmen, all the people raising their voices together and accusing the fascists.
“The time has come to overflow these streets of solidarity and humanism. As Fidel Castro taught us for so many years: “Let’s march with our hearts in our hands,” “Long live Free Palestine.”
The march was carried out with the participation of various sectors of Cuban society and movements of solidarity with just causes that together raised their voices and accused Israel as responsible for the atrocities suffered by the Palestinians, who have lost more than 7000 children since last October 7.
Atef Abdelhafez Sharif al Safadi, a Palestinian oncology resident at Brother Ameijeiras Hospital, denounced on behalf of his people:
“They have dropped more tons of bombs than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on us. They have used prohibited weapons such as white phosphorus, which causes atrocious burns.
“More than 25 hospitals have been bombed and taken out of service with their patients, cut off the supply of water, electricity, food, medicine and fuel.
“More than 200 doctors and health professionals were murdered in cold blood for not accepting to abandon their patients in Intensive Care and Neonatology.
“The only cancer hospital was bombed, leaving patients to face their terrible fate. In addition, churches, schools, and UN centers that had refugees and national and international media were bombed to bury their war crimes.
“We can say: what is happening in Gaza is not a war. It is an imperialist and fascist Zionist genocide. Moreover, they are trying to silence the truth and impose their “false democracy” on us at cannon point.
“We are Palestinian doctors, fidelistas, guevaristas and chavistas, we are anti-colonialists and anti-imperialists. We are part of the heroic united resistance that is defending Gaza and all of Palestine.
“We are not terrorists, nor animals as the Zionist defense minister has said, we are fighters for freedom, justice and peace, this is why we come here today to demand the permanent Cease Fire Now, the ending the massacre and the crimes against our people.”
Meyvis Estevez, second secretary of the Young Communist Youth Union, emphasized in her speech the impossibility of remaining silent in the face of the barbarism and crime committed in Palestine.
“Every wound in that land is a wound in the heart of Cuba, and every act of violence dismays us and drives us to continue fighting alongside the noble Palestinian cause,” she said.
Meyvis Estevez closed the march with these words:
“It is impossible to be children of this land, to carry in our blood the sage of Marti and the legacy of Fidel and remain silent in the face of injustice. Palestine hurts us, we are shaken and outraged by crime and barbarism.
“Every wound in that homeland is a wound in the heart of Cuba; every woman, old man or child martyred there shakes us to the core, every destroyed home dismays us and drives us to continue alongside the noble Palestinian cause. Nothing justifies such a punishment against a people who have been deprived of their lands and their rights.
“We young Cubans, children of a tradition that makes us sworn enemies of evil and hatred, have marched today here and in many parts all over Cuba, because no one should remain silent or remain oblivious to the war crimes committed by “Israel”, in alliance with imperialism.
“We demand a just and immediate solution to stop the genocide. We demand that the historic UN resolutions that seek coexistence and tolerance be respected. We demand that weapons be silenced and that life speaks.
“Every human loss there represents a future cut short and a potential that cannot be realized. Our hearts go out to the families who suffer so much. We, too, are affected by the loss of young people in conflict.
“As Cubans, we refuse to be passive bystanders to the suffering of others. It is our duty to convey messages of peace and equality.
“We can promote a world in which we will all win in harmony. Let us continue to work together for a better future for all.
“Let us keep alive the memory of those who have gone too soon. We will work tirelessly so that many more around the world will join this call of love and hope.
“Dear Palestinian people, Cuba is with you. Your dreams cannot be destroyed.
Long live Palestine forever.
Prior to the march for life and peace in Palestine, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez conveyed heartfelt condolences to the Lebanese media Al Mayadeen for the murder of their two young journalists, Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Maamari.
“We send strong embrace to the brothers of Al Mayadeen, who are suffering today for the murder of young journalist Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Maamari. Another crime perpetrated by Israel. That’s 48 press professionals murdered for denouncing genocide.” #FreePalestine
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano Cuba.
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