“Cuba in Africa,” a new documentary film by Negash Abdurahman, was shown at the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice in Los Angeles on Sept. 24. The meeting, which included reports from a recent delegation to Cuba, was opened up by Carlos Sirah of the Black Alliance for Peace and Jefferson Azevedo of the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice.
The film, “Cuba in Africa,” is currently being screened at film festivals. It celebrates the long history of Cuban solidarity with the African struggle against imperialism, including their military intervention that helped bring about the downfall of racist apartheid in South Africa. Abdurahman answered questions by Zoom after the film.
Pastor Kelvin Sauls of Sanctuary of Hope (SOH) joined the meeting from South Africa via zoom. He introduced the youth leaders from the SOH delegation to Cuba. Each of them shared their enthusiasm and astute observations about their trip. It was clear from their talks that these young people were already scholars of the revolutionary process underway in Cuba. A short video of the visit was shown as well.
There was also an announcement about Los Angeles’ role in the national effort to get Cuba #OFFTHELIST.
The Black Alliance for Peace and Let Cuba Live – LA co-sponsored the meeting.
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