Los Angeles Black August: putting knowledge into action

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In Los Angeles, the Black Alliance for Peace held a Black August teach-in at Book Club HQ with the participation of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party and the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice. Political prisoners’ historic contributions were celebrated, along with reflecting on the systemic crimes of the capitalist state. 

The question of what constitutes a political prisoner was discussed. In addition to those jailed for fighting for justice and liberation, the laws of the ruling class targeting the working class, especially Black and Brown communities, show that the political targeting of almost the entire incarcerated population makes them political prisoners (excluding the most dangerous individuals who are rarely jailed – like murderous cops and others who practice white supremacy). 

The teach-in was also about putting knowledge into action. Lists of organizations were called out by participants – organizations that we could immediately join to facilitate coordination and unified actions to free all the political prisoners and continue their fight for liberation and systemic change. 

The teach-in ended by highlighting the contribution of the courageous former Black Panther and political prisoner who escaped to Cuba – Assata Shakur.

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