Baltimore Reportback: Eyewitness
Cuba’s Queer Rights Revolution
Monday, 6/26, 5:30 pm @ 2011 N. Charles St.
Hear members of the Women In Struggle/Mujeres En Lucha delegation:
Lizz Toledo, Dee Deans, Kiana Fok who were a part of the LGBTQ+ group delegation that traveled to Cuba to learn about Cuba’s new “families code” and to participate in Havana’s equivalent of Gay Pride.
We are proud to host them this Monday, 6/26/23
@ 2011 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
Gather 5:30 pm for refreshments & slide show
6 pm discussion starts promptly and ends at 7 pm
Our guest speakers Lizz and Dee are from Atlanta.
Their plane leaves Monday night, but they were happy to sit down and share their experiences before departing.
Join the Struggle-La Lucha Telegram channel