Detroit May Day 2021


May Day DETROIT 2021

Grand Circus Park Woodward and Adams Detroit

Action planned for May Day: May 1, 2021
Grand Circus Park 1pm

Rally with speakers/music and March

We will be marching to Hart Plaza and joining in solidarity with the Justice for Ma’Khia Bryant rally/march that starts at 4pm.

Demand $15 Now and All The Working Class Demands!

Demands Include:
– Quality education, healthcare and housing
– Accessible, clean water
– Stop evictions!
– International Solidarity
– Immigrants are Essential Workers “Papers Not Crumbs!”
– Defund the police/Invest in the People

Please Wear Masks and Social Distance!

General Baker delivers some wisdom and history about the origins of May Day at:

Labor Day Speech – September 5th 2004

“The first Monday of September, Labor Day, was born in New York City. From the historical records, it indicates that, it was a call of Peter McGuire, an Irish American cabinet maker and a leader of The Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners in 1882. And in most of the rest of the world, May Day the 1st of May is celebrated as a labor holiday – out of the struggles for the 8hr day in 1886. Both days were born on U.S soil. One born and conceived in the question of rest, parade, and recreation. And the other conceived in the struggle and sacrifice and bloodshed. It’s important I think we hold on to the differences of these two days. One historical note on the battle for the 8hr day in 1886, is that all of the earlier labor organizations could not lead a fight to shorten the work day in this country as long as chattel slavery existed in the south. And therefore, it was only after the Civil War that the rest of the working people could stand up and fight to shorten their day. After they had wiped out the institute that demanded you had to work from can’t see in the morning to can’t see at night. That’s an important thing I think we should know – because as long as there’s a section of labor that’s destitute and almost in near slavery, the section of labor on the top cannot advance. And I think we should understand that as a principle from history. ”

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