Monarchies, monarchies … what are they good for?
Let’s talk about the kingdom of Spain, for example. The Spanish monarchy had been abolished by public demand almost a century ago. In 1936 there was a coup d’état by Spanish fascist Francisco Franco and consequently a dictatorship followed until he died of old age on Nov. 20, 1975.
Before his death, the fascist dictator appointed Juan Carlos I (Bourbon Dynasty) as the head of Spain and made him sign the principles of his dictatorship, which Juan Carlos I agreed to with pleasure.
Due to Juan Carlos I’s misbehavior, and with the Spanish monarchy in dire straits (I have to be careful what I say here, because people who have called out his crimes have ended up in prison), it was decided that to preserve the monarchy, he would abdicate in favor of his son Felipe VI, who became King of Spain on June 19, 2014.
In 2020, some members of the Spanish military exchanged tweets about wishing to kill 26 million Spaniards, because apparently that is the number that are not faithful to the principles of the dictatorship. Gen. Francisco Beca Casanova and Col. Andrés González Espinar openly discussed their wish to murder 26 million people by firing squad.
But that’s okay. It’s freedom of expression. Never mind that people with the same murderous wishes actually killed millions during and after the Spanish Civil War. Today many of their bodies have still not been recovered by their descendants, who have been searching for their loved ones for almost a century now.
Fascists protected, anti-monarchist jailed
And then we get to 2021. This year the Spanish High Court incarcerated a leftist Catalonian rapper for his songs against the Spanish monarchy and for tweeting his opinions about the monarchy and the Spanish elite. His name is Pablo Hasél.
He has been demonized by the Spanish media and was incarcerated on Feb. 16. In his case, freedom of expression was not allowed. And this is a singer, a poet and an activist. He is not a military guy.
Please write to him to shame the Spanish judiciary for having incarcerated a singer for his songs and his opinions on Twitter. Also, please, know that your letters will be read by this judiciary system that incarcerates people for their opinions.
My wish is that so many letters will arrive that the Spanish monarchy and judiciary feel such embarrassment that they think twice about incarcerating people for their opinions.
There is another rapper, Valtònyc, who is in exile as a political refugee because Spain wants him incarcerated for the same reason. Another 15 singers are awaiting trial in Spain for their songs.
Then again, it’s not all opinions that deserve incarceration. If you are a military fascist wishing to kill 26 million Spaniards, your freedom of expression will be respected.
You may write to Pablo at:
Pablo Rivadulla Duró
Modulo 9
Centro Penitenciario de Ponent
c/ Victoria Kent s/n
25071 Lleida
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