ILWU Local 10 says: ‘Unite all working people on May Day’

ILWU Local 10 banner on May Day 2015.

Our union is facing some historic challenges. The collapse of the world economy and the threat of the coronavirus to our members, families and communities have become a life and death question. While we are designated as “essential workers,” our lives are not treated as “essential.” This, in addition to the dangerous conditions we face daily on the job. We have taken action at the Port of Oakland to ensure the health and safety of our members and the community which is adjacent to the port.

This isn’t just about longshore workers here, but throughout the world who face the virus: automation, privatization, deregulation and union busting by governments and employers. Our union has historically been in the forefront of the struggle to unite all working people on May Day. It is precisely because of solidarity with our communities and working people around the world that we have been able to survive.

The Trump government is moving to destroy our union and the lives of all working people. They have weakened and marginalized OSHA protection for maritime workers, as well as other transportation workers, which is leading to the collapse of the global economy and the entire population of the United States. If you cannot protect longshore workers’ health and safety, all lives in the country are at risk.

On Friday, May 1, we have informed the employer that we will have a stop work meeting as the Longshore Caucus has voted to do every May Day. This will be Local 10’s fifth consecutive May Day action.

Donald Trump has designated May 1 as the date to “Reopen the Economy.” Let us show the way forward for all working people by our action as we have done in the past.

An injury to one is an injury to all!


International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10


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