Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM PST
Consulate General of El Salvador in Los Angeles
3450 Wilshire Blvd Suite 250, Los Angeles, California 90010
On December 10th, progressive organizations in Southern CA will host a march and rally in commemoration of International Human Rights Day to highlight the struggles of migrants, refugees, indigenous people, and displaced communities impacted by state violence and war. The U.S. currently spends
$717 billion on military defense and only $60 billion on education. We are coming together to build a movement to Resist US-led War & Militarism and we want to invite you to participate in this year’s activity.
Our Demands*
– End U.S. Militarism at home and abroad!
– Defund DHS (US Department of Homeland Security)!
– Divest from Boeing and other military contractors!
– Stop military recruitment of students and youth!
– Redirect funds for housing, jobs, and education!
What: Human Rights Day March & Rally
When: December 10th, 2019 – Tuesday at 6:00PM starting at Consulate of El Salvador marching with a few stops. Total Distance is about 1 mile.
To get involved, please contact us as soon as possible and fill out this form https://tinyurl.com/D10-2019.
For more info: www.resistusledwarmovement.com
#HumanRightsDayLA #ResistUSledWar #BuildJustPeace
Co-sponsored by:
AIM SoCal – American Indian Movement SoCal
CISPES- Los Angeles Chapter – Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Human Rights Alliance for Child Refugees & Families
Guatemaya LA Mujeres Resistiendo
International Migrants Alliance – IMA in Southern CA
Me Too Survivors’ March International
Occupy Ice L.A.
Party for Socialism and Liberation – PSL LA
PUSO SoCal – Philippine US Solidarity Organization
Struggle – La Lucha for Socialism
Unión del Barrio Los Angeles
We Are All America
Endorsed by:
CODEPINK: Women For Peace (Los Angeles)
Colectivo Guatemalteco
Gabriela Los Angeles
Long Beach Area Peace Network
Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition
Migrante USA-Los Angeles
National Lawyers Guild Los Angeles
@Progressive Asian Network for Action
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) – UCLA
Student Labor Advocacy Project of UCLA
Unión Centroamericana – UNICA de UCLA
Día de los Derechos Humanos Marcha y Rally (Titular principal)
Resistir el movimiento de guerra liderado por Estados Unidos (subtítulo)
10 de diciembre, 6 p.m.
Frente al Consulado de El Salvador
3250 Wilshire Blvd., Los Ángeles
Únase a nosotros para conmemorar el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos para levantar la lucha y la resistencia de los migrantes, refugiados, pueblos indígenas y comunidades desplazadas afectadas por la violencia y la guerra. Estados Unidos actualmente gasta $717 mil millones en defensa militar y solo $ 60 mil millones en educación.
Nuestras demandas
Desfinanciar el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS)!
¡Fin al militarismo estadounidense en el país y en el extranjero!
¡Alto al reclutamiento militar de estudiantes y jóvenes!
¡Desinvierta de Boeing y otros contratistas militares!
Redireccionar fondos para vivienda, trabajo y educación!
Para más información: www.resistusledwarmovement.com
Join the Struggle-La Lucha Telegram channel