Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism.
Havana, November 1-3/2019.
The Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism will take place in Havana from November 1 to 3 of this year, organized by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), Central Organization of Cuban Trade Unions (CTC), along with the Cuban Chapter of Social Movements and the Continental Conference for Democracy and against Neoliberalism.
The meeting in Havana expresses the Cuban Revolution´s decision to respond to the demand of the political, social left-wing and the Solidarity Movement with Cuba that our country continues to be a meeting point of the peoples struggles in our continent.
We have proposed the event to be a real contribution to confronting the current counterrevolutionary offensive of US imperialism, to the search for the widest possible unity of the leftist forces in the region and to strengthening militant solidarity with the just causes defended by the peoples. In the current political situation, marked by the aggressiveness of the Trump administration, new ways will be sought to reinforce solidarity with these causes in the world, mainly in our region.
In November, a heterogeneous representation of the United States and Canada will also be present in Havana, friends who have always been on the side of justice and who since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution have been in solidarity with us. We will also have important intellectuals, committed to the liberating struggles of the peoples.
The growing hostility against Cuba and other countries in the region, the judicial persecution of progressive leaders, the imposition of recycled neoliberalism, are distinctive features of the current North American policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean that awaken the fighting capacity of Latin American and Caribbean peoples.
In the same way, the mobilization for the occasion of hundreds of social fighters, political leaders, intellectuals, peasants, women, indigenous people, solidarity activists, among others; will constitute a formidable encouragement to the heroic resistance of the Cuban people, determined to defeat the Helms Burton Act, the blockade and to carry forward the updating of its economic and social development model.
Faced with pessimism and the claudication of some, the participants in the anti-imperialist solidarity meeting will respond with the strengthening of the struggle moral and the deep conviction that the Latin America and the Caribbean peoples will continue marching towards their second and definitive independence.
The Organizing Committee of the Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism, calls for an event that highlights the Cubans´ best traditions of hospitality and their commitment to independence, justice, peace and fraternity among the peoples.
Those interested should send their attendance confirmation to the email address with a copy to AMISTUR emails and
Anti-imperialist Conference of Solidarity for Democracy and against Neoliberalism.
Havana, Cuba, November 1-3, 2019.
1st day: November 1st
9.00-09: 30: Opening of the event. Tribute to Fidel.
09.30-09: 45: Words from comrade Fernando González LLort, ICAP President and the Coordinating Committee of the event.
09.45-10: 15: Audiovisual projection about Cuba, its foreign policy and solidarity.
10: 15-12: 45: MINREX speech: Cuba’s foreign policy in the regional context. Fight against the blockade.
12: 45-14: 45: Lunch
15: 00- 17:00: Panel: Challenges of the left in the current regional scenario before the imperialist offensive.
17: 15-19.15: Anti-imperialist tribune in support of just causes.
– Closing of the tribune with Cuban troubadours and foreigners participating in the event.
2nd day: November 2
09.00- 09.15: Audiovisual material presentation
09: 15- 10:45: Panel: Challenges for a solidarity articulation of
our struggles.
10: 45- 11:00: Break
11: 00- 13: 15: Working in Thematic Commissions.
– Solidarity with Cuba and other just causes.
– Peoples before free trade and transnationals.
– Decolonization and cultural war.
– Youth: strategies and continuity in struggles.
– Democracy, sovereignty and anti-imperialism.
– Strategic communication and social struggle.
– Integration, identities and common struggles.
1:30 – 3:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Anti-imperialist Twitterstorm
15: 00 – 16:30 Working in Thematic Commissions
16.30 – 18.00 Coordination Meetings
3rd day: November 3
09: 00- 12:00: Process of articulation in Plenary.
– Presentation of working Commissions.
12: 00- 13:45: Lunch
14:00 -16: 00: Closing Plenary.
– Presentation and approval of the Action Plan Project.
– Closing speech.
16:00 – 18:00: Cultural Gala.
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