Washington, D.C. — Protesters filled Washington, D.C., streets demanding U.S. hands off of Venezuela in the largest gathering yet to say no to U.S. war plans. The protest was called by the Answer Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). Participants marched from Lafayette Park, across from the White House, to Trump Tower and then to an indoor rally. Representatives came from all across the country.
And just two weeks later, on March 30, another national protest in Washington D.C. called by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) will continue the demand: No War on Venezuela! and protest the NATO pro-war summit scheduled to dishonor the anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King on April 4. Colombia, the South American country bordering Venezuela that was used for the fake-aid provocation on Feb. 23, has been conveniently added to NATO. Colombia, of course, is very far indeed from the North Atlantic sea. Go to No2NATO2019.org for more information.
In the interim, activists in New York City and Washington, D.C., have organized protests, sleep-ins and defense of the Venezuelan Consulate and Embassy, which the right-wing, pro-Juan Guaidó forces, supported by the U.S., have attempted to seize.
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