Jan. 20 — Hundreds of people marched down Harriet Tubman Way (Fulton Street.) today In Brooklyn, New York, determined to resist fascist Trump. They chanted, “We’re not scared of Donald Trump; Donald Trump is scared of us!”
The militant action was called by the December 12th Movement for Human Rights. It began at Jitu Weusi Plaza, named for the Black educator and activist who fought for community control of New York City schools.
D12 chairperson Omowale Clay chaired the rally. He reminded listeners of Dr. King’s opposition to the U.S. war against Vietnam. A loudspeaker played King’s April 4, 1967, anti-war address given in Manhattan’s Riverside Church.
Dr. King declared from the pulpit that the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.” Exactly one year later, he would be executed in Memphis, Tennessee.
It’s obscene that Donald Trump was inaugurated president on the federal holiday that people fought for to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Speakers remembered the late Viola Plummer — former chairperson of the December 12th Movement — who passed the previous year on Jan. 15, Dr. King’s birthday. Plummer devoted 70 years of her life as a fearless freedom fighter.
People marched out in military order, two by two, led by those carrying African liberation flags designed by the honorable Marcus Garvey. They proceeded down Harriet Tubman Way through the heart of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Black Community.
Drivers of cars and other vehicles honked in agreement while those on the sidewalk showed their support. At Nostrand Avenue — the heart of Bed-Stuy — people marched around, occupying the intersection.
Going further east, the march ended at Malcolm X Blvd., across from Boys and Girls High School. Speakers at the concluding rally included State Senator Jabari Brisport and representatives of Black Men Build and PAL-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition.
The people will defeat Trump and all the fascists!
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