Declaration of the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity for Cuba

Photo: Yaimi Ravelo, Resumen

From the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity we salute the victory of the Revolutionary Government, the Cuban people and the international solidarity that fought tirelessly for four consecutive years for Cuba to be removed from the List of Supposedly Sponsoring Countries of Terrorism (SSOT List) where it should never have been.

The decision of the Biden administration, six days before the end of his term, with the official and express recognition in the White House presidential memorandum, acknowledges that Cuba does not sponsor terrorism.

The arbitrary inclusion in the unilateral and spurious List was political, within the framework of the multidimensional war imposed by the U.S. blockade, plus the 243 economic and financial sanctions, to strangle the Cuban economy and provoke an internal outbreak that would put an end to the achievements of the Revolution and impose a government subservient to Washington.

We reaffirm what Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel expressed on the social network X: “It is a decision in the right direction, although belatedly and with limited scope,” since “the blockade and most of the extreme measures that were put in place in 2017 to suffocate the Cuban economy and cause shortages to our people remain in place.”

The inclusion in the list of sponsors of terrorism “has had a high cost for the country and Cuban families.”

A very high cost that will never be forgotten by the Cuban people deprived of medicines and food by the criminal policy of the U.S., which on November 20 reaffirmed in a massive demonstration in Havana its rejection of the longest genocidal blockade in history, the demand to be taken off the List and its support for the Cuban Revolution.

As for International Solidarity we will continue working together with the Cuban people and government until we achieve the end of the blockade and the extraterritorial laws, we will continue advocating for peace and friendship between the peoples of the United States and Cuba, beyond the four years of the current government in power in the White House.

Sixty-six years of heroic and peaceful resistance is the clearest message to the outgoing and incoming administration.

Here is Cuba standing with its sovereign flag, before which the noble men and women of the world, the peoples who resist and struggle, bow down.

Long live Cuba, its Revolutionary Government and its heroic people.

Source: Cuba en Resumen

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