The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity (REDH) rejects the decision of the Government of Brazil to veto the incorporation of Venezuela as a partner country to the BRICS bloc.
We consider that this decision delays the progress of the project of integration and resistance of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean with the rest of the nations of the Global South, to confront the neocolonial policies of U.S. and European imperialism, as well as the risks implied by the warlike and unpunished actions of NATO.
In this sense, Brazil’s veto against Venezuela implies the existence of a despicable mechanism of pressure by the U.S. and its international partners on the Brazilian government in office, showing the extreme fragility or complicity of that government before the internal conservative forces, which leads it to act according to the dictates of the national and international right wing.
The veto against Venezuela indicates that the Brazilian government not only yields to Washington’s pressures to exclude Venezuela from an international articulation that would link it, in a coordinated and programmatic way, to a sphere of power of alternative forces, determined to organize and make possible a new world order and balance, but also demonstrates its disagreement with the rest of the founding powers of the BRICS with respect to Venezuela.
With this hostile position towards Venezuela, Brazil goes against its own statement issued in the videoconference for the BRICS on October 23, 2024 where it was expressed that one of the priorities would be the strengthening of the Global South. Now, vetoing the inclusion in the BRICS of the country that has the largest oil reserves in the world and a set of coherent policies and programs that make up the Bolivarian Revolution, starkly contradicts the position of being in favor of strengthening the Global South.
The same statement also claims the installation of financial policies that will allow for a decrease in the weight of the dollar in the world economy, as well as its use as a financial weapon of war against countries; being that Venezuela, victim of the unilateral coercive measures (economic war) imposed by the US government and its allies, is among the countries most affected by this modality of aggression. Why then prohibit Venezuela from having the historical opportunity of a coordination with a policy of confronting the dictatorial financial effects of unilateralism?
The Brazilian foreign policy registers conflicts, discrepancies and differences with several countries in the international scenario, even with some of the BRICS countries, which makes even more absurd a selective veto against Venezuela and also against Nicaragua, another country that also deserved from the Brazilian government a persecutory action, with the expulsion of the Sandinista ambassador from Brasilia, which generates additional conflicts with countries that, in Latin America, have a heroic and coherent resistance to the aggressions programmed by the US.
For all of the above, we call on the government of Brazil to rectify a course of action that only benefits U.S. imperialism and its associates, and not to continue joining the international campaign of defamation and isolation against Bolivarian Venezuela.
For more than two decades, Venezuela has been a key player in the struggle for a multipolar world, possessing strategic natural resources and one of the countries most attacked by unilateral logic. The creation of CELAC, UNASUR and ALBA cannot be understood without its leadership.
Venezuela plays a fundamental role in the integration of the Global South and is a major geopolitical actor that can and should play a leading role in the construction of a new multipolar world. To this end, its entry into the BRICS is a fundamental step.
Our America, October 26, 2024.
Source: Cuba en Resumen / Resumen LatinoAmericano English
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