Oct. 18 — Late last night the COSCO Dockers Union in Piraeus Port, ENEDEP, alerted its members and the unions of the area that a container transferring bullets to Israel was to arrive in Piraeus port so as to be shipped to the Murderer-State of Israel. Immediately the dockers and the local unions BLOCKED the port and did not allow the container to enter the ship “Marla BULL.” The Unions and workers called openly the working class of the area to come to the port and stop the crime saying “The dockers state it clearly, we will not stain our hands with the blood of the people” The massive, immediate action of the people lasted all night, FORCING THE SHIP TO DEPART WITHOUT THE WEAPONS! The Unions, that are also preparing strikes for Collective Contracts demanding better wages, confirmed that class unions struggle goes hand in hand with solidarity with the peoples and steadfast, in practice opposition to imperialism! THE PEOPLE WILL WIN! WORKERS HAVE THE POWER! FREE PALESTINE!
https://youtu.be/xQC75HgAxdQ Photos https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBNupa
Source: Labor Today
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