2024 National Day of Mourning, Nov. 28

2024 National Day of Mourning

Thursday, November 28, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.EST
Cole’s Hill, Plymouth, MA

Join us as we continue to create a true awareness of Native peoples and history. Help shatter the untrue image of the Pilgrims, and the unjust system based on white supremacy, settler colonialism, sexism, homophobia and the profit-driven destruction of the Earth that they and other European settlers introduced to these shores.

Solidarity with Indigenous struggles throughout the world!
From Turtle Island to Palestine, Colonialism is a Crime!
Free Leonard Peltier! www.freeleonardpeltiernow.org

While many supporters will attend in person, we will also livestream the event from Plymouth.

United American Indians of New England (decolonizing since 1970)
info@uaine.org * UAINE website * UAINE Facebook Group

Facebook event

Watch the 2024 National Day of Mourning Livestream on Youtube


#NDOM2024 #NoThanksNoGiving
No sit-down social, but box lunches will be available.
Masks required!

2024 orientation

What Is National Day Of Mourning?

An annual tradition since 1970, National Day of Mourning is a solemn, spiritual and highly political day. Many of us fast from sundown the day before through the afternoon of that day (and have a social after NDOM so that participants in NDOM can break their fasts). We are mourning our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands. NDOM is a day when we mourn, but we also feel our strength in action and solidarity.

When and where is day of mourning?

Thursday, November 28, 2023 (U.S. “thanksgiving” day) at Cole’s Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 12 noon SHARP. Cole’s Hill is the hill above Plymouth Rock in the Plymouth historic waterfront area. The rallies and marches will last until approximately 3 pm (sometimes later).


Will there be a march?

Yes, there will be a march through the historic district of Plymouth. Plymouth agreed, as part of the settlement of 10/19/98, that UAINE may march on National Day of Mourning without the need for a permit as long as we give the town advance notice.

PROGRAM: Although we very much welcome our non-Native supporters to stand with us, it is a day when only Indigenous people speak about our history and the struggles that are taking place throughout the Americas. Speakers are by invitation only. This year’s NDOM will be livestreamed from Plymouth.

-Note that NDOM is not a commercial event, so we ask that people do not sell merchandise or distribute leaflets at the outdoor program. We might have UAINE t-shirts available for sale following the march.

-We also ask that you do not eat (unless you must do so for medical reasons) at the outdoor speak-out and march out of respect for the participants who are fasting.

-Dress for the weather!

SOCIAL: There will be box lunches available, but we will not have a full sit-down social due to ongoing health concerns.

TRANSPORTATION: If you cannot get to Plymouth, you can watch our livestream! We will also post information about buses and carpools from NY (Brooklyn and Bronx), CT, western MA, Boston, Maine and elsewhere if applicable at the UAINE facebook event.

ELDERS/DISABLED PEOPLE: We have some chairs available for any Elders and others who need to sit during the initial rally on Cole’s Hill. We also will have ASL interpreters on-stage.

FOR UPDATES: Please join and check out the UAINE facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/UAINE for updates on National Day of Mourning this year. Our website uaine.org will be updated, but not as quickly or frequently.

Facebook event: https://bit.ly/NDOM2024

UAINE on Twitter & Insta: @mahtowin1

COVID-19 has hit Indigenous communities very hard, and we want to ensure that no one gets sick from attending National Day of Mourning. Please wear a mask!

#NDOM2024 #nothanksnogiving


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