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LOS ANGELES TEACH-IN MAY 25: The U.S. Military Industrial Complex/Death Merchants – Genocide for Sale

5278 W Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, United States, California 90019

Panel Presentations & Discussion – Since the horrible genocide, carried out by the Zionist military and funded by the U.S., began, profits for the arms manufacturers and their banking partners have shot up. US taxpayers foot the bill. While AIPAC gives huge sums of money to politicians to advance Israel’s interest, for example, $4.2 million to Genocide Joe, it is miniscule compared to what the so-called defense industry spends to promote death and destruction. Did you know that military contractors also provide all the high-tech surveillance equipment and drones to the border patrol to capture and detain people fleeing poverty at sea and at the US/Mexico border?

Learn more about the death merchants and their connections to the White House and Congress on Saturday, May 25, at 4 p.m., at the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice, 5278 W Pico Blvd, LA.

Struggle - La Lucha

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